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Day: March 7, 2013

How Government can promote cycling

To promote cycling and encourage more people to commute by bicycle, the Government can implement policies that benefit cyclists. The following are some steps that have already been taken in other countries to promote bicycle-friendliness and cyclist safety, which the Malaysian government can also adopt: Officially Promote Bicycle Use -- CHANGE the current mindset that makes the car the priority....
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13 health benefits from cycling

Cycling is good for health. For one, it reduces death risks. In Denmark, a 15-year study associates cycling with a 40% reduction in mortality for both sexes over all ages (Archives of Internal Medicine, 2000). Basically, a person who cycles as a commuter consistently can expect, according to a report released in a 1986 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, to live longer than those who...
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Reviving the bicycle for transport

Malaysia is getting more urbanised and motorised today. Our towns and cities are now planned with the needs of cars in mind instead of people’s needs — easily half of the space in our cities is now used for cars. This leads to urban sprawl, which causes even more noise and air pollution that lowers our quality of life. Such senseless mobility that involves not only high costs, but also speed...
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Reviving the bicycle for health

The humble bicycle could be a key to our long-term survival — in terms of health, environment and economics. CAP’s research shows that reviving bicycle use here would benefit both the nation and the people. Here’s the evidence for health. A recent Malaysian Shape of the Nation survey showed that Malaysia has the most number of fat people in the Asean region. In fact, the number of fat...
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Bicycle safety tips

Join the league of the environment-conscious, and save your petrol money, by using pedal power (i.e. bicycle) instead of a four-wheeler. But don't forget to take precautions before you start your journey. First of all, make sure your bicycle is structurally sound and in good condition. Are the brakes working properly? Check too that the reflectors are clean and are not warped, and adequately...
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