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Year: 2018

SAM Questions Selangor’s Commitment to Protect Permanent Reserved Forests

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) objects to the proposal by the Selangor State Authority to excise two more Permanent Reserved Forests (PRF) in the state of Selangor. The PRFs proposed to be excised are part of Sungai Buloh Forest Reserve (HS Sungai Buloh) in Petaling District covering 1.2418 hectares and part of Bukit Lagong Forest Reserve (HS Bukit Lagong) in Gombak District covering 28.3 hectares....
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Smokers: 1 Million Under 10 Years, Majority Of 4.7 Million Start Before 18

CAP Fully supports the ban on cigarette sale and smoking in eaterie More than one million of the smokers in Malaysia are under the age of 10, and they emit about 4,000 noxious and cancerous chemicals present in tobacco. Most of the 4.7 million smokers in the country start smoking before the age of 18, according to the Health Ministry. Over 60 chemicals present in cigarette smoke can cause cancer...
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Stop Exposing Consumers to Tainted Meats

As we take note of World Antibiotics Awareness Week from 12-18 November, one of the most pressing problems we face is the persistent presence of foods contaminated with antibiotic residues and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Over the years the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has raised concerns on the use of antiobiotics in livestock production, agriculture and aquaculture in Malaysia,...
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Promote Healthy Eating to Combat Diabetes 

Diabetes has become a condition of epidemic proportion worldwide prompting the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) to declare November 14 as World Diabetes Day.   The theme for World Diabetes Day 2018 and 2019 is The Family and Diabetes.   Diabetes spares no group — attacking men, women, children, the elderly and people from every racial...
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Acceptance Speech by the Recipient of Ibn Khaldun Merit Award

The Consumers’ Association of Penang is extremely honoured to be awarded the Ibn Khaldun Merit Award and I would like to thank International Islamic University of Malaysia for selecting CAP to be the first recipient of this award. Jazak Allahu Khayran. The vision, mission and activities of the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) has been directed towards the transformation of our society in...
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CAP receives Ibn Khaldun Merit Award from International Islamic University Malaysia

On 10 November 2018, the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) was conferred the inaugural Ibn Khaldun Award for Global Social Transformation by the Minister of Education, YAB Dr. Maszlee Malik, who is also the President of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The award was given to CAP for its contribution to the Malaysian society in championing consumer rights, interests of...
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CAP and SAM alarmed over proposal for hotels in Penang Hill

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) are alarmed over proposals for two hotels in Penang Hill which could contravene the Special Area Plan for Penang Hill (SAP) and pose serious risks due to landslides and soil erosion not only on the Hill but also have downstream impacts.   According to press reports, Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said one of the...
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Don’t Delay Anymore Ban Trawl Nets to Save Fisheries Resources

1. Fisheries resources in Malaysia is now in the verge of severe devastation. SAM and JARING are raising our concerns about the deterioration of fishery resources because of massive destruction to marine ecosystems as well as decline in certain species of fish such as pomfret, grouper and snapper that are becoming increasingly scarce. Research findings showed that the decline in population and...
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Seeds Saving Guide

Seeds are essential for all life forms. Knowing seeds, learning about seeds and preserving seeds are crucial for humanity. This guidebook, containing 10 cards, is a pictorial explanation on how to collect, preserve and store seeds. Contents: Bachelor's button Brinjal Butterfly pea Four o'clock flower Holy basil Lady's finger Long beans Marigold Papaya Raja ulam Snake gourd Spinach BUY BOOK HERE
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Issue 48-5 September-October 2018

We have stories which you will not find in other papers -- hard-hitting stuff with no holds barred, for we name the brands, companies or people in our exposes, unlike the commercial papers which are dependent on companies for their advertisements or are owned by political parties. You can expect our views and perspectives to be different, for we are on the side of consumers.  
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