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Day: December 12, 2019

SAM’s Response Regarding PKNP’s Media Statement Perak Hi-Tech Orchard Development

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) refers to the media statement issued by (PKNP - Perak State Development Corporation) that was covered by several local media. The statement states that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report  for the proposed orchard development at Perak Hi-Tech in Lot PT 253408 and 253409 was approved by the Department of Environment (DoE) on 21 June 2009. Based...
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Address the Metformin concern!

Health authorities in Singapore, and Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in the United States of America raised the alert that Metformin, a common diabetic drug, could be contaminated with N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a chemical linked to cancer. Metformin has been used as a first-line medication for the treatment of type-2 diabetes and it was used by the National Health Services (NHS) in the...
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