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Day: March 23, 2023


Singapore has implemented a measure to make recycling more convenient for residents so that they will recycle more regularly. Households in Singapore can now collect free home recycling boxes from vending machines at more than 140 locations, including bus interchanges. Known as Blooboxes, the foldable, washable and reusable boxes are meant to encourage residents to recycle more and recycle...
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Ramadhan – Avoid waste and practice charity

During Ramadhan, for about eleven years, CAP has been carrying out campaigns against waste, overindulgence and extravagance which Islam and other religions condemn. The campaign was initiated by our late president Allahyarham S.M. Mohammed Idris who was horrified by the large amount of food waste and the extravagant spending of the Muslim elite during this holy month while millions of people...
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