25 Unhealthiest Drinks on the Planet – Ranked by Sugar

When you’re parched, reaching for a soda, iced tea, or juice may be second nature. But oftentimes, quenching your thirst with these drinks comes with consequences. The hard truth: Many of these beverages contain more sugar than you should consume in an entire day.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends getting a maximum of 25 grams of added sugar per day for women and a maximum of 36 grams per day for men – but the less added sugar you consume, the better. Taking in too much added sugar is linked to a higher risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other serious chronic health conditions.

According to an article in Eat This, Not That! drinking just one serving of some of these beverages will make you far exceed the recommended limit of sugar you should consume in an entire day.





Check out the 25 unhealthiest drinks on the planet – ranked by sugar – in the report.

Source: Eat This, Not That! (15 March 2024)