Flash floods threaten 500 in Jeniang


The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) calls for the Kedah Government and the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS) to investigate and take immediate action to solve flash flood problems that is being faced by more than 500 residents of Kuala Muda district at Jeniang.

The problem involving Kampung Batu 8, 9 and 10 has been happening since 2014 but till now there has been no action taken by any parties in order to solve it.

A survey done by CAP has found that the situation at Sungai Perahu which is shallow, narrow and filled with shrubs is the cause of which this problem is occurring. When it rains, the water flow from the river is blocked and flows out to the houses of the residents.

Furthermore the river is not maintained well, the drainage system built in the village is broken and is overgrown with thick grass. 

CAP is saddened that eventhough the threat of the flood has been complained many times to the authorities in charge yet the problem is still going on till now. As a result of this incident there have been massive losses to the people because of the damage to the property and crops. 

Parents are also concerned about the safety of their children mainly those living close to the river as every time there is heavy rain strong currents hit the village.

CAP believes that is the cause of this problem is left the threat of flash floods will be more serious in the coming future. Thus CAP urges that the authorities involved take immediate action to overcome the problem.

Works to deepen river and clean the places that is stopping the flow of water also has to be done immediately. Meanwhile the drainage system which is not working has tp be restores and fixed by the authorities involved.

CAP calls for the Kedah Government to make a numeration record of the total damage of property and lasses which is being faced by the residents here as well as giving out alms to them to help lessen their burden of living which they have tried to support till now. 


Press Statement, 11 December 2018