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Author: Lai Cheng


There are two environmental crises right now: climate change and biodiversity loss. But the biodiversity crisis is largely undervalued. Today, most of our attention is focused on climate change. Biodiversity loss is a rampant and pervasive issue: global wildlife populations have plummeted by 69% in the past 50 years and species are dying off as much as 1,000 times more frequently than before the...
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Desiderata is one of the best-loved poems in the English language, and is revered by many as the ideal philosophy of life. Written in 1927 by attorney Max Ehrmann, this poem (which means “desired things” in Latin) is about finding peace and happiness through living a meaningful life. It offers practical advice on how to be kind, true to yourself, and appreciate the world around you. Specially...
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Marigolds are beneficial companion plants that can reduce damage to vegetables and plants caused by certain pests. Marigolds help to control nematodes, tiny worms that are usually microscopic in size. Nematodes feed on plants by puncturing plant roots to obtain nutrients. This can seriously damage or even kill crops – even turf, and ornamental plants. Marigold flowers also attract beneficial...
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Plagued by constant worries, fears and anxious thoughts? Some things we fret over are simply beyond our control – eg: mistakes from the past, other people's opinions, getting everyone to like you, the perfect life plan etc. Don’t put your time and energy into the wrong places. Stop fretting over things you cannot control and focus your energy on what you can actively manage instead. Focusing...
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Mercury Cosmetics are a Toxic Menace to Health and the Environment

Despite a global ban, Philippines toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition continues to uncover the illegal use of mercury in unauthorised imported products for lightening skin tone and for removing age spots, dark marks, freckles, wrinkles and other dermal problems. This January, which is celebrated as the Zero Waste Month, the group announced the detection of 584 parts per million (ppm) of...
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(A wisdom story) Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course. Each of us has such a bank, its name is Time. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every...
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Adopt Zero Tolerance for Road Crashes

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) urges the Ministry of Transport to implement stricter safety measures nationwide to reduce road crashes during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Recently, there has been a concerning increase in road accidents involving heavy vehicles. In 2024 alone, there were 825 fatal accidents involving such vehicles in just 10 months. It is crucial to recognize...
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Ensuring Fair Access: Moving from Blanket to Targeted Fuel Subsidies in Malaysia

Malaysia’s blanket fuel subsidy system, though designed to provide universal benefits, has inefficiencies and unintended consequences. This system, exemplified by subsidies for RON95 petrol and diesel, extends benefits indiscriminately, including to foreign entities and higher-income households, while facilitating activities like smuggling. These issues underscore the urgent need for a...
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Toxic Bisphenols in Textiles

Recent findings from laboratory tests conducted by Arnika, dTest, and consumer associations from Hungary, Austria, and Slovenia revealed the presence of harmful bisphenols in textiles, particularly in women's underwear, prompting European consumer organisations to advocate for an EU-wide ban on these chemicals. The study analysing 166 samples from five European countries found that approximately...
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