Bananas are often blamed for being too high in sugar. The reality is that the sugar in a properly ripened banana is completely different from the cane sugar and other processed sweeteners in cookies, cakes, and doughnuts.

Unlike processed sugar, the fruit sugar in bananas is bonded to critical life-supporting trace minerals such as manganese, selenium, copper, boron, and molybdenum, and large amounts of minerals such as potassium, which is one of the most critical nutrients for neurotransmitter function.

Bananas are also high in amino acids that work side by side with the highly bioavailable potassium as a catalyst for abundant electrolyte production. Rather than thinking of bananas as all sugar, we have to remind ourselves that bananas are made up of fibre, pulp, and water, too – and that their fruit sugar content is the very reason bananas have rich supplies of antioxidants, vitamins, and other phytonutrients to help us fight disease.

Source: Medical Medium