The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) calls on the authorities to investigate SHEIN products entering the country.
The call is made in response to recent findings by the Seoul City government revealing that children’s products sold by the online shopping platform SHEIN contain high levels of toxic chemicals.
According to news reports, the Seoul government has been conducting safety inspections since last month following growing safety concerns about products sold by Chinese e-commerce platforms. The latest information revealed that seven out of eight tested products from SHEIN contained formaldehyde and phthalates exceeding safety limits. One pair of children’s shoes contained phthalates exceeding the permitted limit by 428 times.
Phthalates, commonly used as plasticisers, belong to a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Exposure to high amounts of phthalates is detrimental to the reproductive, neurological, and developmental systems of humans, with children being even more vulnerable.
Formaldehyde, when absorbed through the skin can result in severe systemic toxicity, leading to metabolic acidosis, tissue and organ damage, and coma.
SHEIN is one of the biggest online fashion stores globally, known for its low prices and trendiness. A Time magazine article in 2023 even dubbed it as the world’s most popular fashion brand. This explosive growth triggered authorities in South Korea and the European Union to look closer into their business practices and safety standards.
This is alarming since SHEIN is one of the online e-commerce platforms popular in Malaysia, especially among the youth.
Given the above situation, CAP calls on our authorities to immediately conduct safety tests of products sold on SHEIN as it was found to contain highly dangerous chemicals.
Meanwhile in order to reduce our contact with harmful substances CAP advise consumers to :
- Always wash new clothes before wearing them to get rid of toxic chemical layers.
- Avoid buying from brands that are not transparent about their manufacturing processes.
- Avoid or reduce getting clothes or items labelled as stain, water, or odour-resistant.
Mohideen Abdul Kader
Consumers Association of Penang (CAP)
Press Statement, 11 June 2024