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Category: Food EN

THE BEST TIME TO EAT Orange, Apple, Banana & Nuts

According to some food guides, you are not only what you eat, but also when you eat. Here’s a compilation of useful nutritional advice on when to eat the following 4 foods for maximum benefits. ORANGE. Citrus fruits like oranges may increase acid production in your gut, increasing the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcers. And the fibre and fructose in them can slow down your digestive system if...
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Food has evolved over the years, but not always for the better In the 1950s, ice cream was made with a few simple, wholesome ingredients like cream, milk, and sugar. Today’s versions often include a long list of additives and preservatives. This is a great reminder to check labels and prioritise foods with ingredients you recognise. Let’s celebrate real, nourishing choices that keep it...
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Cooking Oil Subsidy is Unjustified

The media has highlighted the growing issue of smuggling and diversion of subsidized cooking oil to neighboring countries, a problem that is increasingly affecting Malaysians, particularly the poor and B40 groups who are struggling to obtain subsidized cooking oil. According to a recent report, 60 million packets of subsidized cooking oil are being sent to neighboring countries every month. This...
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Most of us focus on protein and vitamins, but fibre diversity is key to gut health. Your microbiome thrives on different types of fibre found in various plant foods. Think of your gut as a garden – as biodiversity makes gardens flourish, diverse plant foods help beneficial bacteria thrive. Each plant offers unique fibres that feed different gut bacteria: Beans bring resistant starch Berries...
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Don’t shun green foods. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that fight ageing and many diseases, including cancer. Green foods are especially abundant in nutrients associated with heart health including, Vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, dietary nitrates, and folates. A meta-analysis found that consuming green vegetables every day could reduce cardiovascular (CVD) risk by...
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Are you constantly under stress? Then you should pay more attention to what you eat. If you eat lots of processed meat, fried food, refined cereals, candy, pastries, and high-fat dairy products, you're more likely to be anxious and depressed. Make natural food your comfort food in times of stress. They are rich in health-enhancing nutrients, some of which have been found to bust stress. For...
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