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Category: Health EN


Today (4 February) is World Cancer Day. Cancer is the king of health terrors – it is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade adjoining parts of the body and/or spread to other organs. The latter process is called metastasizing and is a major cause of death from cancer....
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Broad based groups call for Malaysia to unequivocally support temporary suspension of WTO intellectual property enforcement

Twenty-eight organisations including the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) and three community activists have called for Malaysia to join other developing countries in a global effort to remove monopolies on crucial medical products in the fight against COVID-19. A letter was sent to Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin bin Hj Mohd Yassin today as members of the World Trade Organization (WTO)...
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CAP urges The Malaysian National Security Council and Police to take stern action against the people who still failed to comply with social distancing rules. This is one of the three basic preventive measures to adhere to besides hand washing and wearing of face mask. Surveys conducted on several wet markets in Penang found that most buyers only focused on the selection of goods and completely...
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Stop blaming foreigners for the escalating Covid-19 cases

Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) is surprised by the statement given by the Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob who said that the management of residential areas and condominiums are allowed to make Covid-19 swab tests a compulsory requirement for tenants, especially foreigners before they are allowed into the premises. The Strata Management Act (SMA) 2013 has...
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Anti-Aging through MOVING YOURSELVES

You can turn back the years, scientists say, with regular exercise. Age-related degeneration of bone, muscle, skin, nerves and cells can all be slowed with regular exercise. In one study, patients who already had coronary artery disease reduced their risk of fatal heart complications by 20-25% through exercise. You can age comfortably, remain alert and vibrant throughout your life just by being...
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A typical handphone carries 25,000 bacteria per square inch, compared to a toilet seat (1,201), kitchen counter (1,736), pet food dish (2,110), checkout screen (4,500) and doorknob (8,643), studies show. We touch this filthy device 2,617 times a day, holding it up to our eyes, nose and lips – key points for germs to enter the body. Many people also bring their phones to the toilet, which is...
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“At any age, the effects of sleepiness range from annoying to deadly,” says the US National Sleep Foundation Executive Director Richard Gelula. Lack of sleep can reduce attention and vigilance by 50%, decision-making ability by 50%, communication skills by 30%, and memory by 20%, according to scientists. Sleep deprivation, also known as “sleep debt”, is recognised as a serious problem in...
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Dissatisfaction and Unhappiness Guaranteed

­­ The industrialists had planned to create dissatisfaction decades ago to boost consumer demand. With the help of economists, PR agencies, advertisers and governments... they succeeded in creating the consumer society and made us ideal consumers for the factories and industrialization. Consumers are seen as the engines of growth. This organized approach succeeded and made us dissatisfied and...
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The Healthiest People Don’t Go To Gyms

According to a Time magazine article, people in towns or cities who have exercises worked into their daily routines have the healthiest and longest lives (like having good public transport where passengers walk to the station, many bicycle lanes, and cities with pedestrianisation, thus reducing dependence on cars). In the past, there were no gyms and trainers and we have much less...
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