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Category: Natural Farming EN


Marigolds are beneficial companion plants that can reduce damage to vegetables and plants caused by certain pests. Marigolds help to control nematodes, tiny worms that are usually microscopic in size. Nematodes feed on plants by puncturing plant roots to obtain nutrients. This can seriously damage or even kill crops – even turf, and ornamental plants. Marigold flowers also attract beneficial...
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Go Organic: Stop Using Plastic Mulch

In conjunction with the International Zero Waste Month (IZWM), the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) would like to raise awareness on the effects of plastic mulching in farming and urges farmers and gardeners to use organic mulching methods. This year’s IZWM focuses on innovative organic waste management solutions to reduce food loss, waste, and methane emissions. Mulch is a layer of...
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Dear Urban Gardeners and Friends, The Consumers Association of Penang is collecting Aloe Vera and Mother-in-Law’s Tongue plants and Money Plant saplings for distribution to schools. Care to contribute to this green cause? You may drop off your plants at our office during office hours, or hang them on the gate on Sundays and public holidays. Thank you for joining us in working towards a more...
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Start Your New Year Growing Vegetables

The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) advised Malaysians to start 2025 with growing their own vegetables. CAP believes that 2025 will be more challenging to consumers in terms of rising cost of living including price of food. To reduce the burden of vegetable price increase, CAP urges consumers to grow any type of vegetables and herbal plants, beginning of the new year. Teachers can play an...
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Bees are a vital part of our survival – together with other pollinators, they are responsible for a third of the food that we eat. Many of our fruits, vegetables, and nuts are reliant upon pollinators for their production. In fact, without these species, 70% of plants would be unable to reproduce or provide food. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, of the 100 crop varieties...
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Groups Urge Government to Stop the Tabling of the Crop/Plant Seed Quality Bill in Parliament

Forum Kedaulatan Makanan Malaysia (FKMM) together with 105 farmers' organizations and civil society groups – including the Consumers Association of Penang – have issued a press statement (19 December 2024) urging the Government to stop the tabling of the Crop/Plant Seed Quality Bill in Parliament and to conduct transparent and comprehensive consultation sessions with farmers and other...
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AGROECOLOGY Protects Land, Food, People & the Environment

Agroecology – an ecological approach to agriculture – is about farming in a way that works with nature, rather than against it. Every minute, the world spends about $1 million to subsidise agriculture. Yet, despite this investment, over 90% of crop varieties have disappeared in the past 100 years. Today, just 9 plant species account for 66% of total crop production. Agroecology draws from...
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Jadav Molai Payeng – The Forest Man of India From barren soil to a vibrant forest – that’s what one man has single-handedly created with his one-tree-grown-a-day practice for over 40 years. The forest today spans over 550 hectares, equivalent to the size of 15 football fields. Meet Jadav Molai Payeng, the “Forest Man of India” – a living testament to the resilience of nature and the...
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