Dropped an egg on the floor? How to easily clean up spilled oil or pick up broken glass pieces? Here are easy ways to clean up the mess. (Image credit: The Little Shine)
There’s timeless wisdom and practical life lessons in this old poem written in 1895. It teaches us to navigate life with integrity, resilience, and humility. It illustrates how balance, self-belief, and grace under pressure are essential for personal growth and success. It offers good advice on how to deal with life’s uncertainties and challenges: > Stay calm under pressure, trust...
If you want to be successful in anything, you will have to continuously learn, tackle challenges head-on and push your boundaries. Success is often the result of hard work, risk-taking, and making sacrifices. You will not see improvement in life or achieve any goal if you stay in your comfort zone and avoid stretching your limits. The building blocks of success are simple – and doable. Give...
Think of germs and public toilets come to mind. But these are not the only places where germs hide. Your home’s bathroom and kitchen, frequently touched surfaces, handheld electronics, even your smartphone, can all be loaded with germs. Germs are small microorganisms – viruses, bacteria and parasites – that can cause disease. Here’s what you can do to stay safe from germs. > Wash your...
Being a better person doesn’t involve being overly hard on yourself. Small habit changes, like getting rid of certain self-deprecating thoughts and behaviours, can be life-changing. Consider the following. (Pic via Mindset Matter)
Use this simple water test to find out if the eggs in your pantry are still good to eat. Fill a glass container with cold water and gently place the eggs inside. 1. If the egg sinks to the bottom and lays flat on its side, it is very fresh. 2. If the egg stays at the bottom but the fat end of the egg rises slightly, it is about 2 weeks old. 3. If the egg stays at the bottom but stands on its...