Development Marring Forest, Sea and Beach in Pantai Kok Langkawi

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) is concerned that Pantai Kok in Pulau Langkawi, Kedah will be marred and polluted following coastal reclamation works and deforestation currently taking place in this area.

SAM’s recent survey found that development works are under way here for a tourism related project and preliminary works by the developer had begun a few months ago.

SAM was surprised and upset to find traces of mud sedimentation at the beach area, believed to be siltation caused by soil erosion from the project site. The situation here will become worse when it rains and if not controlled will cause serious marine pollution in the near future.

SAM urges the Kedah state government, Langkawi Municipal Council and Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) to investigate and take appropriate measures to ensure that the environment here is not adversely affected.

SAM stresses that the natural environment of Pantai Kok should be preserved and objects to any development activities that destroys the forest, pollutes the sea, sullies the beaches and threatens the marine ecosystem here.

SAM calls upon the Kedah State Forestry Department to investigate whether the forest nearby Pantai Kok which has been affected by the development here is a Permanent Reserved Forest.

If it is found that the forest reserve has been encroached, then legal action must be taken against the offenders under the National Forestry Act 1984.

SAM understands that two artificial islands will be created off the coast of Pantai Kok and is concerned that this development will cause adverse impacts to the environment, fisheries resources and the livelihood of local fishermen.

Hence SAM urges the relevant parties to give serious attention to this matter and take immediate action to conserve the natural environment of Pantai Kok.

Press Statement, 21 September 2016