Are you depressed? To find out, complete the following questionnaire. Check off the symptoms which have occurred to you nearly every day for at least the past 2 weeks.
- I FEEL sad, depressed or down most of the time. True / False
- I AM less interested and less able to enjoy the things that once gave me pleasure. True / False
- I USUALLY feel tired and without energy. True / False
- I HAVE trouble sleeping/been sleeping too much. True / False
- I FIND it difficult to concentrate or make decisions. True / False
- I HAVE an increase or decrease in appetite or weight. True / False
- I HAVE feelings of worthlessness or guilt. True / False
- I FEEL frightened or panicky for no known reason. True / False
- I FEEL restless and it is difficult to sit still. True / False
- I FEEL anxious and worried. True / False
I HAVE had feelings that I just cannot go on, or had thoughts of death or dying. True / False
(If you checked off 5 or more of the symptoms on the above list, you may have depression. Do something about it, and if necessary, consult a physician immediately.)
Find out more about mental health and well being in the CAP Guide, Emotional Fitness