Fishing Gear Destroyed by Trawler Vessels

CAP Disappointed That Affected Coastal Fisherfolk Face Difficulty Getting Compensation

CAP recommends that the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry provides special provisions to assist coastal fishers who suffer losses due to damage of fishing gears run over by trawler vessels.

Immediate action should be taken by the Ministry as the problem which has been long endured by coastal fishers is getting serious and the affected fishers are burdened.

CAP has received numerous complaints from affected coastal fishers that they failed to obtain any compensation either from the trawler operators or the government after their fishing gear such as nets and traps are destroyed, hit by trawler vessels.

Such incidents often occur in Zone A, five nautical miles from the coast because trawlers often encroach in areas that are designated for coastal fishers to conduct their fishing activities as defined under the rules of the Fisheries Act 1985.

Encroachments by trawlers often occur at night at a distance of only two or three nautical miles from the coast. Fishers, whose fishing gears are damaged, suffer losses between RM600.00 to RM3, 000.00 each.

Furthermore, these fishers are not able to go to sea to fish because their fishing gear has been destroyed. Some of them had to pawn jewelry and take loans because they need to buy new fishing gears to continue their work to catch fish to feed and provide for their family.

CAP regrets that even though this problem has been going on for years and many fishers in the country face the problem but still no concrete action has been taken by the authorities to handle this matter.

CAP also requests the Department of Fisheries and Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) through the Area Fishermen’s Association (Persatuan Nelayan Kawasan – PNK) to play an active role in helping those who have suffered losses in this manner to get compensation from the relevant trawler operators.

Press Statement – 28 March 2014