Grievances With Pos Malaysia

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) would like to highlight grievances with Pos Malaysia’s services faced by many in Penang. We understand that mailpieces sent by regular post have been terminally delayed.

This problem became apparent sometime before the Eid al-Fitr or Hari Raya Aidil Fitri holiday.

Based on our estimation, it has now been roughly 3 weeks since many in Penang last received their regular mail.

However, members of the public claim that the Registered mail and Pos Laju mail have still been delivered relatively on time.  This begs the question of what has happened to the regular mail.  Where has it “gone” to?

Does Pos Malaysia believe that just because mail is not sent by Registered post or Pos Laju that it is not important?  That it does not matter whether they deliver it or not?  This is highly unacceptable.

Every mailpiece that enters the Pos Malaysia office should be treated with the utmost care.  By not doing so, Pos Malaysia is indirectly disrespecting both the sender and the intended receiver of the mailpiece.

CAP calls for the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to look into this matter immediately and have it rectified. If Pos Malaysia is not up to handling the job of delivering mail, then it is high time someone else take over.  The public will not put up with this kind of conduct for long as we are reaching our limit.

Press Statement, 20 July 2016