APWLD and allies would like to invite you to Webinar: RCEP and the Future of Developing Countries Amidst the Pandemic

You can register for the webinar here.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

12.30PM New Delhi / 2PM Bangkok / 3PM Kuala Lumpur, Manila / 4PM Seoul, Tokyo / 6PM Sydney / 8PM Auckland


1. Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Columbia University, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General
2. Dr Rashmi Banga, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD
3. Mr Barry Coates, Trade for All Advisory Board, New Zealand
4. Mr Ian Syarif, PT. Sipata Moda, Indonesia
5. Mr Jayen Mehta, Sr General Manager, Amul Cooperative, India
6. Ms Kate Lappin, Regional Secretary, Public Services International for Asia & Pacific
7. Ms Jang Hye Yeong, Member of National Assembly, South Korea
Moderator: Ms Chee Yoke Ling, Executive Director, Third World Network

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RCEP webinar 10 Nov WITCH Poster (2).png


After eight years of negotiations since 2012, the mega-regional free trade agreement – Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will be signed by member countries on 14 November 2020. As the name suggests, RCEP is comprehensive in its coverage, attempting to regulate trade and investment liberalisation. It will exceed the minimum standards prescribed by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Not only do the issues negotiated in RCEP cover trade in goods and services, but also include investment, electronic commerce, protection of intellectual property, and others.

The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, and it has changed the world significantly. The economic crisis has deepened due to the prolonged trade war. The developing countries are facing the most threats because their ability to respond to the pandemic crisis has been hampered, especially by global neoliberal constraints. Furthermore, the hard push towards “free trade” which is continuing even during the pandemic, has deepened inequalities at all levels, leading to a growing trust deficit in the multilateral organizations.
Is RCEP a solution that can be relied on by the people amidst the current pandemic and the global uncertainty?

In this webinar, speakers will provide analysis and perspectives on the impacts of RCEP’s provision on various economic, health, and human rights issues in the region and its inability to deal with the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis.

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