Kedah MB’s Arrogant Statement Regarding Water Supply

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) is disappointed with the Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah’s statement regarding the problem of water supply faced by Kedahans because it ridicules CAP’s suggestion to overcome this problem.

Without making any comments about CAP’s call, he spurned and arrogantly said ” … we know how to do our job. No need to teach us what to do”, as reported by Malaysiakini on 12 July 2016.

CAP was surprised and disappointed by the action and attitude of the MB because he belittles a non-governmental organization (NGO) that is assisting the people of Kedah in voicing out the long pending water problem suffered by them.  As a leader who is responsible in handling problems that occurs in the State and faced by its citizens, the MB should have given an explanation on CAP’s recommendations.

A person managing a state should be knowledgeable enough to fully understand arising issues and handle it in an efficient manner to resolve the problem.

Does he not empathize with the people who are facing water supply problems and realise that CAP is an organization that fights for the rights of consumers and the environment in the country?

We demand serious consideration on our recommendations to resolve the issue of water in the State as it is a basic need and has grave implications on the people and the environment if water sources and forest resources are not managed properly.

Thus CAP calls upon Ahmad Bashah to openly explain the cause of thousands of grievances and complaints of the people since decades ago.

CAP objects to the decision by the Kedah government to build tube wells and new dams.  There is no point and a sheer waste if the wells and dams still do not resolve the problem because watersheds are not protected and not managed efficiently.

The main thing that needs to be taken seriously by the Kedah state government now is the increasingly widespread destruction of forests for logging activities and plantation projects. Stop these activities for the sake of conservation of water resources, and supply quality and sufficient water for the people of Kedah.

Letter to the Editor, 14 July 2016