Phase Out Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) make up a relatively small share of all registered pesticides. Yet, they cause the most severe harm to human health and the environment.

Each year, around 400 million farmers and farmworkers are poisoned by pesticides, resulting in at least 11,000 deaths. Because they are highly toxic, HHPs are responsible for a large number of these acute unintentional poisoning incidents. More than 95% of poisoning cases occur in the Global South, where many HHPs are exported by high-income countries that have already banned these pesticides. It is further estimated that 150,000 deaths per year due to self-poisoning can be prevented by banning HHPs, which are often used in suicides.

HHPs are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a “major public health concern.” Exposure to HHPs, including through consumption of residues in food and water, is linked to long-term and irreversible health harms such as cancer, damage to fertility and the unborn child, disruption of hormonal systems, and various chronic illnesses. Despite their far-reaching impacts, there has been no global action to decisively address the #ToxicCrisis caused by HHPs. An upcoming World Chemicals Conference (ICCM 5) this month offers a once in a generation opportunity to #PhaseOutHHPs.

Tell the ICCM 5: #PhaseOutHHPs! Sign on to our letter at the following link:

Source: Pesticide Action Network North America