On 25 to 29 September 2023, governments and other stakeholders will gather in Bonn, Germany in a once in a generation opportunity to address the #toxiccrisis.

Hosted by UNEP, the Strategic Approach on International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is the only global multi-stakeholder platform for chemicals and waste policy. However, SAICM’s lack of ambition and decisive action on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) since its establishment 17 years ago has escalated the health, human rights, climate and biodiversity crises caused by HHPs.

This year, the World Chemicals Conference (ICCM 5) will decide on a new policy framework. It MUST include an ambitious target and global mechanism to phase-out HHPs–or risk losing relevance.

While significant targeted political commitments have occurred in recent years to address the climate and biodiversity crises, the #toxiccrisis caused by pesticides has been left far behind. Despite the planetary and intergenerational scale of their impacts, there has neither been an ambitious target nor an effective mechanism to #phaseouthhps.

Tell the ICCM 5: #phaseouthhps!

Watch this video.

Source: Pesticide Action Network International