Pollution Damages Paddy Fields in Kampung Masjid and Kampung Teroi: CAP Urges Urgent Action to Resolve Problem

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) urges the Sungai Petani Municipal Council (MPSPK) in Kedah to take immediate action to curb domestic wastewater pollution from housing estates, which threatens 23 hectares of paddy fields in Kampung Masjid and Kampung Teroi here.

Paddy cultivated by 10 farmers from both villages is severely damaged due to the pollution and this had affected the farmers’ income.

In a recent survey conducted by CAP, we found the pollution problem to be very serious. The source of pollution does not only involve domestic wastewater but also solid waste from five housing estates in the area.

Waste and effluents enter the paddy fields through a nearby ditch, causing soil contamination in this area.

CAP believes that if the pollution is not curbed, damage to the paddy fields and plants belonging to farmers in the village will spread widely in the future.

In view of this, CAP requests the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) to investigate and help the affected farmers and curtail the pollution from its source.

CAP is concerned and considers problems such as this would not have happened if planning of development in these areas is conducted in accordance with established regulations.

On declining rice yields due to the pollution, CAP hopes the relevant parties will pay compensation to the affected farmers to ease their burden.

At the same time a proper and safe irrigation and drainage system for use by farmers here should be built as soon as possible by the DID so that problems like this is not repeated.


Press Statement, 3rd March 2015