Preventing dengue is a collective effort

Health Director-General Datuk Dr. Muhammad Radzi Abu Hassan stated that 18,247 cases were recorded during the first five weeks of 2024, up 65.6% compared to the 11,127 cases in the same period last year.

As one of the deadly tropical diseases, dengue is affecting a substantial global population size due to factors including globalization, human settlement, and possibly climate change.

Due to these issues, adopting preventive measures to prevent dengue makes better sense. This would involve everybody in the community rather than just expecting the Health Department to undertake fogging.

CAP’s survey in most places in Penang, especially in house construction and road maintenance sites, found stagnant water in the cavities of road barriers, which may allow mosquitoes to breed. Unclean drains with stagnant water are also a source of mosquito breed.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are buying or ordering more things, including food, online and these come with plastic wrappers which, if improperly disposed of, will become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

“Thus, CAP calls on all parties, especially local authorities, to increase enforcement, monitor, and take action against any construction project site that becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.”



Mohideen Abdul Kader
Consumers Association of Penang (CAP)

Press Statement, 8 March 2024