Reflections On Malaysian Society


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ISBN 983-104-150-X
Book size: 120 x 170 mm
Pages: 110

Malaysians are living on borrowed time. In fact, all of humanity is. Worldwide, catastrophes are in the making: New deadly diseases and cancers are now rampant. “Lifestyle diseases” have become the Number 1 killer in many countries. More toxins and contaminants are now found in our food, water and environment. Water shortages may escalate to a stage when wars will be fought over it. And climate change is threatening life’ on Earth.

These problems are mainly due to the present type of development that places profits over life; glitter over substance; and short-term goals over long-term sustenance of life. It also places greed, self-interest, and the rat race over generosity, societal well-being and cooperation.

The author questions such development and looks at how it is destroying our lives and the social fabric of Malaysian society. He examines the various facets of Malaysian life – including food and health, economics and money, politics and unity, culture and lifestyles, and science and technology.

Finally he focuses on the values that will make living in Malaysia happier and more equitable, meaningful and sustainable.


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