The Happiness Factor


Religions and philosophers say it: “Money can’t buy happiness”. But happiness can buy money.

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ISBN 978-983-3083-38-1
Book size: 108 x 145 mm
Pages: 136

Today psychologists and social scientists from universities are saying the same thing. They measured happiness and conducted worldwide surveys to reveal the secrets of our well-being. Who is happy and who is not? Which societies are happy? And why are people happy or unhappy?

This guide reveals their findings, which among others, show:

  •  The level of happiness between the 400 richest men in the USA and the Masai herdsmen in Africa is the same.
  •  Downsides to money madness: damage to relationships and self-esteem, a heightened risk of depression and anxiety, less time for activities that truly make people happy (like family, friendship and engaging work), and even headaches.
  •  Happiness levels in Denmark have remained virtually the same since World War II, although incomes have risen considerably.


Money Madness / Money Can’t Buy Happiness / What Is Happiness / How To Find Happiness / Scientifically Proven / American Lifestyle: Calm Or Chaos? / How Materialistic Are Malaysian? / Happiness Not Wealth / What Government Can Do


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