The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) urges the Penang state government and the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) to take urgent action to resolve the problem of frequent floods occurring in Kuala Jalan Baru, Balik Pulau.
Floods occur frequently here due to failure of the drainage system, which has caused water from rivers and ditches here to overflow and flood the area.

In addition to several houses affected by this problem, plants and vegetable gardens cultivated by local residents were also damaged.
CAP’s field survey found that the river is overgrown with thick grass and littered with rubbish. Besides this the shallow drainage system due to sedimentation contributes to the cause of the floods here.
Furthermore, bunds that are low cause river water to easily overflow and enter the village area and farms. Besides Kuala Jalan Baru, other villages that are affected are Kampung Sungai Rusa and Kampung Permatang Pasir.
CAP hopes that the relevant authorities will give serious attention to this problem and take appropriate action to address the causes of the problem. “We are disappointed that this long pending flood problem still persists to this day”.
CAP requests that the drains and rivers in the area to be cleaned and deepened so that water can flow smoothly when it rains. The low bunds or embankments must be raised to avoid overflow into villages and nearby farms.
CAP is concerned that if the cause of the floods is not addressed, there will be worse impacts of the floods. More destruction of property and crops will occur.
Thus CAP suggests that the state government, local authorities and DID conduct a comprehensive study to identify the exact cause of the flooding here and in other areas in Penang.
Press Statement, 22 August 2016