Malaysia is one of the top plastic polluters in the world. Reducing, repurposing and reusing are part of the country’s circular economy plan for managing plastic waste, along with recycling. However, the Malaysian recycling rate is sub-par, so reducing the amount of plastic waste going into landfills by any means is a good thing.
The zero waste, or low-waste lifestyle of reusing, repurposing as well as reducing plastic has been gaining popularity in Malaysia. It has attracted more devotees intent on doing their part for the environment, and several small companies are not only providing refills of food items and household products but also producing and selling plastic-free or sustainable products.
In the second of a 3-part series on plastics, Bernama checks out these initiatives, and asks a few Malaysians for their thoughts on the zero-waste lifestyle.
Read more: https://www.bernama.com/en/news.php?