The government should seriously address the perennial problem of burst pipes, maintenance, repair works, water pollution in Selangor that result in water disruptions.
To prevent such disgraceful episodes from happening, Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) calls on the Selangor Local Authority, the District Office, the Drainage and Irrigation Department, the Selangor Waters Management Authority, the Department of Environment, the Selangor members of parliament and the Ministry of Environment and Water to work together and solve this problem.
We urge the government to ensure that:
> Factories and workshops are relocated away from river reserves and buffer zones.
> Factories should rightfully be located in designated factory zones.
> The respective government agencies should monitor the disposal of factory effluents closely.
The government should review the Environmental Quality Act to ensure that jail sentence is mandatory besides a hefty fine. The reason is because a factory owner may be able to pay for the fine.
Press Statement, 11 November 2020