TBRA calls to halt tree felling and road widening on Jalan Loh Poh Heng, Tanjung Bungah

Tanjung Bungah Residents Association (TBRA) calls on YAB Tuan Chow KonYeow, Chief Minister of Penang, Datuk Ar Yew Tung Seang, the mayor of the Penang Island City Council (MBPP), YB Zairil Khir Johari, ADUN for Tanjung Bungah and YB Wong Hon Wai, MP for Bukit Bendera to immediately halt plans to fell 21 mature trees along Jalan Loh Poh Heng, Tanjung Bungah, for road-widening purposes.

This call follows the circular issued by Jabatan Khidmat Pengurusan MBPP dated 10thJune 2018 (Appendix 1) informing the intention to chop down 21 trees and relocate 1 tree along Jalan Loh Poh Heng for road widening purposes.

The circular further indicated that this directive was done as a precondition imposed by the Public Works Department prior to commencement of the development nearby.

A check done on the trees indicates that the 21 trees includingthe Mahogany (Swieteniamacrophylla), Rain tree (Samaeasaman), Flame of the Forest (Delonixregia) and Royal Palms (Roystonearegia). Based on historical records, most the trees planted along Jalan Loh Poh Heng dates back to 1970s, and ages for the trees now range from 10 to 40 years old.

Contrary to arborist report indicated by MBPP, there are no signs of sickness, parasitism, growing wild or excessive leaning. Most of the trees are flourishing, flowering, supporting their microecosystem, and planted in an orderly manner. Some trees do show signs of inappropriate pruning over the years, yet they warrant no need for removal.

These trees, aside from providing shade and enhancing the aesthetic value of the street, serve other purpose that benefits the residents and road users. The trees serve as a buffer for light and noise pollution coming from the vehicles.

Should the road be widened to accommodate the upcoming development, not only will the existing residents suffer from increased smog, light and noise pollution, but they also do not have a buffer to protect them from it. The trees also serve as a green corridor for the wildlife along Tanjung Bungah, support the micro ecosystem of the area; and acts as a sponge to absorb rain water run-offs.

With all these considerations, we therefore urge the authorities to do the following:

1. Halt the proposed felling and relocating exercise of the said trees;
2. Commission and disclose a new arborist report on the said trees, with funds for arborist coming from MBPP or the State Government;
3. Look for alternatives to direct traffic away from proposed development without having to exceed the carrying capacity of Jalan Loh Poh Heng.

A petition has also been launched which can be found at –
We also call on the Penang public to support this petition.

Meenakshi Raman
Chair, TBRA (012-4300042)


Press Release, 13 June 2018