TNB Billing System Update Not A Big Deal

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) would like to highlight a few clarifications by TNB in our meeting with them on 19th August 2016 concerning our previous statement – TNB Billing System Upgrade has Confused and Burdened Consumers, dated 18th August 2016.

TNB has admitted to their mistake of not informing the public about their billing system update before they started implementing it.  This is a shortcoming on their part that they regret as it has caused their customers much confusion.

They have also assured CAP that in no way will the public lose out or be penalised because of the update to their billing system.  As such, this update is not a burden to the public as we had first believed.

All TNB bills that are issued after 31 days will be prorated (ratio between the billing period and number of days in the month multiplied by the tariff for the units used).  Therefore, TNB claims that those in the Domestic Tariff block and the Low Voltage Commercial Tariff block will actually be paying less.

Also, until the glitches in the new billing system are fully ironed out, which they expect to sometime in September, TNB customers will not be penalised by having their electricity supply cut off.

CAP would like to give a word of caution to TNB customers who pay their TNB bills online (e-payment) but manually (not auto-debit/auto payment).  This group of people have to change their account numbers in the ‘favourites’ section of their online banking account from the 14-digit account number to the 12-digit account number stated in their latest TNB bills.  For those making payments through Maybank or Bank Islam, the 14-digit account number can still be used for the time being.

We call on all the banks in Malaysia to inform their customers about this necessary update and to give them a step-by step guide on how to go about updating their accounts.  We also ask that TNB issue their own statement to all the banks concerned.

Letter to the Editor, 24 August 2016