The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) is urging the relevant authorities such as the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), the Royal Customs and Excise Department, the Energy Commission (EC), and in particular school disciplinary teachers to check on e-cigarettes in the guise of a functional watch.
This device functions like a normal watch but it can be also detached from the wrist strap for a smoker to puff it like an e-cigarette. It runs on a rechargeable battery and the smoker can refill with e-liquid of his choice.
It is gaining popularity particularly among students because it is easy to take it to school without arousing suspicion. Moreover, it is affordable and can contain up to 2ml of e-liquid per refill.
We want to know if these devices have been approved by the EC and Sirim because these electronic devices did not seem to have their stickers. It goes back to the question of how these devices can infiltrate into the Malaysian market unless they have either been smuggled in or deliberately declared as some other products.
We urge all relevant agencies to crack down on this device immediately because it is encouraging our school-going youths to vape. A standalone Tobacco Control Act is much needed at this crucial time when governments are tightening control on the use of tobacco products under the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) guidelines. Hence tobacco industry is creating innovative vaping and heat-not-burn devices to gradually replace conventional cigarettes. We also urge KPDNHEP to consider introducing a law that regulates things sold online.
Press Statement, 17 July 2019