The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) is shocked that there are no attempts being made by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism to recall the sale of QBB ghee carrying the halal logo inspite of JAKIM's confirmation and withdrawal of the halal status of the ghee for containing doubtful elements, one week ago.
In a survey conducted in various shops in Penang, it was found that QBB ghee was still being sold and many traders and consumers were unaware of the withdrawal of the halal status.
When interviewed, some consumers claimed that the traders informed them that they have not heard from the manufacturers or distributors on the matter. This has caused much confusion amongst consumers who are made to belief that the product is safe for consumption.
The onus is on the Ministry of Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism to take action against the company under the Trade Description Act 1972.
Meanwhile, CAP calls on the Ministry take this matter seriously and to step up its enforcement in getting the traders to remove the product from the shelves immediately until its contents have been verified to be halal by JAKIM.
Press release – 2 Sept 2010