Many people have unrecognised magnesium deficiency, and a simple and tasty way to boost your intake is with fresh leafy veggies such as spinach.
Spinach is chock-full of all kinds of minerals, including magnesium which is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body and helps you maintain good health. Magnesium plays various roles in the body like: regulating blood pressure and glucose levels, promoting bone growth, and creating DNA.
But most people don’t reach the Daily Value (DV) of 420 mg. Eating leafy greens, especially spinach can help. A 1-cup (180 g) serving of cooked spinach provides an impressive 37% of the DV.
Cooked spinach also contains calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, and lots of Vitamins A and K, nutrients needed by the body for good health.
What about Magnesium Supplements?
Many people today do not get enough magnesium in their diets. Determining whether you have a magnesium deficiency isn’t easy as there is no simple way to measure magnesium in the body. The most common test for magnesium is a blood test, however, most of the body’s magnesium is inside cells and bones.
Over-the-counter magnesium supplements are available, but they can interact with some medications such as antibiotics. Additionally, taking too much magnesium can be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is suggested to get magnesium through your diet, Web MD advises.
CAUTION: Too much of anything is bad. For spinach, excessive intake may lead to kidney stones. Spinach can also cause a drop in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Avoid spinach if you have gout, and digestive issues like gas, bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Spinach may also interfere with blood thinner drugs and ACE inhibitors used to lower blood pressure.