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Month: July 2009

Separate public health services from private business

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) views with concern the plans of the Sabah government to push ahead with the building of a private hospital. Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman is quoted in the press saying that, “although it is a private hospital, we do not have to think of how to profit first”. By right, there should be a very clear separation between the public and private sector when...
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Front cover Utusan Konsumer Issue 39-4 Jul-Aug 2009

Issue 39-4 Jul-Aug 2009

U N C O M M O N    E X P O S E S ,   V I E W S   &   W I S D O M Bimonthly Paper of Consumers Association of Penang We have stories which you will not find in other papers -- hard-hitting stuff with no holds barred, for we name the brands, companies or people in our exposes, unlike the commercial papers which are dependent on companies for their advertisements or are owned by...
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