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Month: October 2010


SM Mohd Idris answers 10 questions in the Star

We reproduce a feature on CAP’s President in the Star on 30 October 2010. Consumers Association of Penang president S.M. Mohamed Idris fields the 10 questions posed to him by the Star readers.   Would you agree that many times, your concrete suggestions for the betterment of Malaysian Society is taken as criticisms of and by the people in power? Kumar, Rawang Politicians and bureaucrats...
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No more excuses: Ban Codeine now

CAP has for more than 15 years now raised the issue of the dangers and harmful effects of codeine in medications and its easy availability over the counter. We trust the Ministry of Health understands this, and its pharmaceutical authorities are well aware of the situation locally. So, why is it that they are not taking any action? This is despite the concerns raised by CAP as well as by...
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Stop harming our children with unhealthy canteen food

Children spend at least a third of the day in school and during this time, they eat at least one meal in the school canteen. This is especially so in most urban areas, where both parents work and are unable to find the time to pack lunches for their children. Food is a vital growth and health factor in human life, and especially so for the growing child. It must not only be nutritious, but also...
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Full commitment needed to fight wildlife trafficking

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) is finally relieved to learn of the revocation of all licences and permits issued to a notorious wildlife smuggler and the confiscation of all his animals and reptile by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Wildlife department. However SAM is extremely concerned that with one wildlife trafficker caught others will fill the void.  The trade in...
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Rethink plan to release GM mosquitoes

THE Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) is shocked to note the statement by the Minister of Health, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, as reported by the media yesterday, that field testing for genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes has been approved by the National Biosafety Board. This, despite the globally acknowledged fact that anything that is genetically modified, plant or animal, is not stable....
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Estimated 4.4 million rats in KL

Rats have become a serious problem since they are reservoirs of leptospirosis and other vector borne diseases.  The number of mortality and infections is increasing rapidly as more humans are exposed to rat urine and droppings. The Ministry of Health reported 62 deaths and 1,418 cases of infection due to leptospirosis. Another common rat related disease in Malaysia could be salmonellosis but...
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More genuine efforts urgently needed to curb smoking

Seventy sen more for a packet of cigarettes. So what has this move done since it was implemented earlier this month? Has it got a lot of people to give up this evil, unhealthy and deadly habit? Or is it just earning the government more money? Our contention, from years of studying the issue, is that 70sen more is not going to make any difference to the pocket of the smoker. It will, of course,...
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Another wake up call for road safety

Malaysian transport authorities received another wake up call in the form of an express bus accident on Sunday. This is a clear indication such tragedies will continue unless serious measures are put into place without further delays and flip-flops. As reported by the victims, the bus driver was speeding. This shows that bus drivers will continue to flout the law as long as nothing concrete is...
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Asbestos: The deadly, silent killer

In recent weeks, concerns over asbestos poisoning have been raised in our local print media. And rightly so! This naturally occurring fibrous mineral, with fire and heat resistant properties, has been recognised as a serious threat to life in the Western countries and where possible, its use is avoided. People who work with asbestos are at serious risk of developing lung cancer, asbestosis,...
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Abolish subsidies for sustainable water supply and water wastage reduction

CAP is against any water supply subsidies that are being given to consumers in Penang and Malaysia if we are to become a water-efficient nation.  We are appalled to learn that the domestic water subsidy in Penang had reached the level of RM41 million last year. Without appreciating the true value of water, consumers will not use water wisely. Cheap water is not the solution.  If water is too...
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