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Day: April 28, 2011

The tricks that conmen use

In the local press you read another report about a new victim of the so-called "magic stone" that will cure all illnessess? You tell yourself you could never fall for a of a scam like that. Maybe not a victim of the "magic stone" scam but what about other types of cons? Every consumer is a potential victim of unethical selling practices. And you have probably been duped more often than you...
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What to do in an accident

Do you know what to do if you are involved in a road accident? You may have injured yourself or another person or you may have damaged your vehicle or another person's vehicle in the process. What should you do? The following guide will come in handy, especially if you're new on the road.   At the accident site 1.    Be calm and do not panic. Neither should you take the law into your hands....
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Consumers deserve a No-Fault Liability Motor Scheme

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) welcomes the announcement by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) that it will be consulting all relevant stakeholders next month before presenting the proposed new third party bodily injury and death scheme to the government. In August 2007, the Attorney General’s Chambers issued a Preliminary Issue paper proposing that a No-Fault Liability Scheme (NFL) be...
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Avoid the Debt Trap

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were rich and you could buy anything that your heart desires without getting into debt? But then again the rich also get into debt. So what it all boils down to is perhaps not so much how much you have as how you manage to do with what you have. But nowadays, this concept of “Buy now, pay later” enables you to buy with money that you don’t have, yet....
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How to spot a get-rich-quick scam?

Your neighbour wants you to sign up with her “direct selling” company telling you that there is easy money to be made. However, you are sceptical that it might be an illegal pyramid scheme. How can you tell the difference? Pyramid schemes are illegal scams in which large numbers of people at the bottom of the pyramid pay money to a few people at the top. Each new participant pays for the...
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Motor insurance – let the Govt take over

Many comments have been made about Consumers Association of Penang 's (CAP's) proposal for a no-fault liability scheme in relation to motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), and regarding the proposed scheme by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). CAP wishes to set the record straight regarding its stand on the proposed BNM scheme as well as respond to the comments made. Very little is known about the proposed...
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Cruelty of the international bird trade

People are fascinated at the sight and chirping of birds in pet shops and are willing to pay huge sums just to own an exotic species. But "bird lovers" show hardly any concern at the trauma suffered by birds captured in their country of origin, during transportation and mortality before reaching the country of destination. Where the legal trade has decimated wild bird populations, the illegal...
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The rights of an ant

Raju Z Moray I SAW a little red ant crawling up my sleeve. Without batting an eyelid I slapped it out of existence. Nothing unusual? Right! You would have done the same thing yourself? Absolutely! Now just wait a minute. Think of it this way. I just sentenced a living creature to death. It had done me no harm. It was probably just lost and trying to find its way home. To its loved ones, waiting....
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Oh no, not monkeys in apartments

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) is pleased that the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry is reviewing the licences of pet owners in urban and apartment buildings and hopefully will also stop issuing them licences. Apartments and industrial areas are not ideal places for the keeping of macaques. Life in captivity would be stressful for the animals in addition to the stress experienced as a...
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