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Month: October 2012

Livelihood of 300 small fishers in Kota Kuala Muda is threatened

PESTICIDES ENDANGER THE DEDAP RIVER The livelihood of about 300 small fishers in four villages in Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah has been threatened following pesticides contamination of the Dedap River here. Some farmers have been indiscriminately dumping used pesticides containers and residue into the canals here, which subsequently polluted the water that is released into the Dedap River.  This has...
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Malaysia should seek zero waste solutions and not incineration

CAP is frustrated with the Malaysian government’s continued push for incineration. Incinerators burn up and squander valuable resources, produce toxic emissions and residues, pose financial burdens to the public, and compete with waste prevention and recycling programmes that could have created jobs and benefited local economies. The Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Chor Chee...
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Opposing AES will be irresponsible

Any delay in the implementation of AES (Automatic Enforcement System) is not justified, in view of the fact that we are losing nearly 7,000 lives annually and more than 4 times as many motorists are injured. Opposing its implementation would be irresponsible. Parliamentarians should help to speed up the implementation. CAP calls on the relevant authorities once again to make whatever corrections...
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Do not let Juru River die from pollution

 CAP urges the concerned authorities to pay serious attention and take effective action to save the Juru River from dying due to pollution.  The Juru River in the District of Seberang Perai Tengah (SPT) has been threatened by pollution for the past 40 years but till now there is no sign that the pollution has been reduced and the riverine residents here are becoming concerned. CAP’s survey...
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CAP calls for a moratorium on import of genetically modified products

We call on the Malaysian government to impose a moratorium on all Genetically Modified (GM) products imported into the country for food, feed and processing. This call is on the wake of results of a new study which revealed serious health impacts of the widely-used Roundup herbicide and the Roundup tolerant GM maize NK603 (cultivated with or without Roundup). According to the researchers, the...
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Issue 42-5 Sept-Oct 2012

We have stories which you will not find in other papers -- hard-hitting stuff with no holds barred, for we name the brands, companies or people in our exposes, unlike the commercial papers which are dependent on companies for their advertisements or are owned by political parties. You can expect our views and perspectives to be different, for we are on the side of consumers.  
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