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Day: March 9, 2013


What’s wrong with the TPPA?

While ostensibly it is about trade, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) goes far beyond the trade of goods and services. It will affect the health, social, economic, political, civic, educational and cultural future of Malaysia’s 28 million people. Malaysia is currently negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) with the US and nine other countries to open up the...
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No to destruction of mangrove forests

CAP urges the Penang state government and Forestry Department to investigate the felling of mangrove trees in Kuala Jalan Baru, Balik Pulau. Stringent action should be taken immediately on those responsible in committing this atrocity. CAP’s investigation found that the mangrove forest destruction has resulted in degradation of the coastal environment, threatening marine life and the source of...
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