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Day: February 24, 2016

Right To Confidentiality Of Personal Health Data Violated

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) is distressed by the recent news that a group of hackers have hacked into the systems of both government and private hospitals and stolen the personal health data of tens of thousands of individuals - data which is then sold to pharmaceutical companies through information selling syndicates. The implications of this cyber theft is terrifying because...
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Mangroves in Penang continue to be cleared

MARINE RESOURCES AND LIVELIHOOD OFCOASTAL FISHERS THREATENED The livelihood of around 500 coastal fishers in Kuala Sungai Pinang and Kuala Jalan Baru, Balik Pulau, Penang has been severely affected following the implementation of shrimp farming projects in this area. The project has not only destroyed hundreds of acres of mangrove forests which are breeding grounds of marine life but has also...
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