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Day: May 30, 2016

Oil Spill in Penang: One Major Disaster and Common Occurrences Too

The recent major oil spill in Penang reported to have polluted a 5km coastline on the island stretching from Swettenham Pier to Gurney Drive is a major concern.   In addition to this oil spill disaster, Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) urges the authorities to also investigate and take action on the oil spills that has been occurring in Penang waters in the recent months. SAM’s interview with...
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CAP calls for Plain Packaging Implementation

Since Malaysia implemented pictorial health warning (PHW) on cigarette packs since June 2009, the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), Malaysia, reported that 92.8 per cent of current smokers (93.2 per cent of men and 74.7 per cent of women) had noticed the health warnings on the packs. It shows that PHW is effective as also found in other countries that implemented it. The PHW was implemented in...
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