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Day: September 7, 2017

Issue 47-4 July-August 2017

U N C O M M O N    E X P O S E S,   V I E W S   &   W I S D O M Bimonthly Paper of Consumers Association of Penang We have stories which you will not find in other papers -- hard-hitting stuff with no holds barred, for we name the brands, companies or people in our exposes, unlike the commercial papers which are dependent on companies for their advertisements or are owned by political...
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Re-introduce inheritance tax and adjust certain existing taxes to help bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) would like to address concerns aired over a recent rumour on the possible introduction of inheritance tax (NST, 29 Aug 2017: MOF deny rumours of inheritance tax in BUDGET 2018). Implemented properly, inheritance tax (as well as other relevant forms of taxation like wealth tax, capital gains tax and gift tax) provides important revenue for state coffers...
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