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Day: October 18, 2018

State legislature needs to question NCR violations in Marudi and Tinjar, Baram

In Miri today, SAM arranged for two groups of indigenous communities from Marudi and Tinjar, Baram, to meet Sarawak state assemblypersons with the aim of halting the violations of their native customary rights (NCR) by oil palm plantation projects. The first group comprises the Iban community members of Marudi. In August this year, SAM released a statement in an effort to assist the community....
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CAP calls for laws to eliminate lead in paints

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized October 21-27 2018 as International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week (ILPPW)  and its main concern is the role of lead exposure in the development of intellectual disability in children. This year WHO is calling on governments,  academia, industry and civil society to come out with  specific  laws to eliminate lead in paint.  According to...
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