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Day: November 4, 2019

The Secret to Happiness – New publication

To be happy is not the same as to be “successful”. Only when we throw off our material property can we lose the burdens of having to accumulate and maintain things. Then we can do the things that really matter... Simple living and high thinking. Above all, deep feeling. That’s the basic recipe for inner wealth and a happy life. And possibly also for the survival of humanity. 48 pages   ...
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Climate Change Impacts: How Prepared are we?

Opening remarks by Ms. Meena Raman, Climate Change Programme Coordinator.  Good morning and welcome to our public forum. TWN is an international organisation, head-quartered in Malaysia, and is very actively engaged at the global level on a multitude of issues including environment, climate change, sustainable development, as well as globalisation and trade. We have been very active on the...
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