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Day: December 16, 2020

The Many Forms Of Products

Victor Papanek, one of the most eminent designers and author of the revolutionary book, "Design for the real world", describes the many forms of products that we get, based on what product designers are told to design (in "The Green Imperative"). • When we become the hired guns of greed-driven corporations, we are driven to CONFORM. • If we generate status kitsch for a jaded elite, and allow...
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Is Climate-Related Financial Regulation Coming Under Biden? Wall Street Is Betting on It

(In early Nov 2020) "... the U.S. Federal Reserve said for the first time that failing to address climate change would put the nation's finances at risk and its economy at a global disadvantage. Even without federal guidance, several major U.S. companies and banks, including JPMorgan, Wells Fargo and Citigroup, have already pledged to disclose how their finances are affecting climate change....
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