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Day: February 16, 2021

No one is safe unless everyone is safe!

No one is safe unless everyone is safe! by Third World Network We urge AUSTRALIA not to block the temporary #TRIPSwaiver proposal @wto to ensure greater access to #COVID19 meds and diagnostics. Read the letter here: #NoCovidMonopolies @ScottMorrisonMP @AustraliaUN_GVA @dfat
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Set up Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate outflow of illicit money

  Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) calls on the government to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate why our laws, institutions and authorities have failed to curb illicit money flows, identify their weaknesses, and make recommendations for eliminating the problem. Based on United Nations and International Monetary Fund documents, the Washington-based think tank Global...
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