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Day: November 21, 2024

SHANGHAI’S TIERED LAWN: An Innovative Green Urban Space

In the bustling city of Shanghai, a uniquely designed tiered lawn has become a haven for office workers seeking a tranquil escape. This innovative urban space not only offers a peaceful retreat but also serves as a valuable lesson in ergonomic and sustainable design. The Unique Design of the Tiered Lawn The tiered lawn’s distinct design is what sets it apart from other urban green spaces....
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Billionaires emit more carbon pollution in 90 minutes than the average person does in a lifetime

Published: 28th October 2024 Fifty of the world’s richest billionaires on average produce more carbon through their investments, private jets and yachts in just over an hour and a half than the average person does in their entire lifetime, a new Oxfam report reveals today. The first-of-its-kind study, “Carbon Inequality Kills,” tracks the emissions from private jets, yachts and polluting...
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