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Day: December 31, 2024


Ever wondered why people who live simple lives are happier? They spend more time out in nature and appreciate the little things in life. They make more intentional choices about their well-being and have less stress and anxiety. Research shows that 40% of happiness is due to intentional activity. Make being happy a habit. Happiness is an enduring state of mind that can be achieved through a...
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‘Godfather of AI’ Demands Strict Regulations to Stop Technology From Wiping Out Humanity

“The only thing that can force those big companies to do more research on safety is government regulation.” Warning that the pace of development of artificial intelligence is "much faster" than he anticipated and is taking place in the absence of far-reaching regulations, the computer scientist often called the “Godfather of AI” on Friday said he believes chances are growing that AI...
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Many plastic items can take hundreds of years to degrade in the ocean. Depending on how thirsty you are, it might take you less than 5 minutes to swig back the contents of a plastic bottle. But it takes the ocean at least 450 years to break down the plastic and many plastics could take 1,000 years to fully degrade. Source: Sustainability  
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Start Your New Year Growing Vegetables

The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) advised Malaysians to start 2025 with growing their own vegetables. CAP believes that 2025 will be more challenging to consumers in terms of rising cost of living including price of food. To reduce the burden of vegetable price increase, CAP urges consumers to grow any type of vegetables and herbal plants, beginning of the new year. Teachers can play an...
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