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Day: March 23, 2011

Good food is healthy food

“If your body is clean enough, it will tell you the truth” Mr. Lim Ewe Hin is the owner of a vegan restaurant on Rangoon Road in George Town. A trained civil engineer from the University of Mississippi, he was a site engineer for eight years before choosing to commit himself to the cause of feeding people with only the best kinds of food around — food which is meatless, free from dairy,...
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Food: better than supplements

There is a proven formula for health and well-being, you might say a cure even, for the many common diseases that plague modern man — and the answer is not supplements. It is not advertised; is sold without claims; does not come in attractive packaging; is cheap, natural and effective; and it’s 100% safe as it’s been tried and tested since prehistoric times. The wonder cure: Wholesome...
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Supplements can hurt you – and your pocket!

Most people buy vitamin and health supplements and just take the manufacturer’s word about what’s in them. But there could be more to — or less in — your supplement than what they tell you.  And they might not even be worth your effort and money.  Lab tests confirm this. Poor Value In 2008, scientists from the review website, whatsit, tested 27 brands of popular cod liver oil and omega...
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97% of fast foods fail US nutrition test

Fast food restaurants are popular with young people especially with the attractive promotions through the use of toys or movie tie-ins. Childhood overweight and obesity is a serious health problem in Malaysia and many other countries. With more family meals now eaten outside the home than ever before, the nutrient quality of childrens’ fast food meals have come under the spotlight. Fast food...
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Depression and its many causes

We all feel “down” or “blue” at times. All of us have days when we feel “depressed”. Usually, these feelings are temporary, and we can have a great day tomorrow. Even when we have a bad day, we can still find enjoyment in things. These occasional bad days are part of life and not depression. Sometimes though, these feelings may persist for several days or even weeks. This is common...
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Find out whether you are depressed

Are you depressed? To find out, complete the following questionnaire. Check off the symptoms which have occurred to you nearly every day for at least the past 2 weeks.  I FEEL sad, depressed or down most of the time.   True  / False  I AM less interested and less able to enjoy the things that once gave me pleasure.   True /  False  I USUALLY feel tired and without energy.    True / ...
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Some self-help tips to fight depression

If you suffer from long-term or severe depression, with constant thoughts of death or dying, including ideas about suicide, seek professional help immediately. For occasional sadness and depression, here are some ways to lift the fog:  EXECISE. Depression is in many cases a result of a lifestyle of physical immobility. Studies have found that running or jogging for example, lifts depression. It...
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