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Day: November 25, 2020


"...Let me right at the outset define what I mean by alienation. It is the cry of men who feel themselves the victims of blind economic forces beyond their control. It's the frustration of ordinary people excluded from the processes of decision-making. The feeling of despair and hopelessness that pervades people who feel with justification that they have no real say in shaping or determining...
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“No Scents Make Good Sense”

That is the policy in Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia in Canada, which discourages the wearing of fragranced products in municipal office, libraries, hospitals, classrooms, courts and buses. Most modern perfumes are derived from petroleum, not from natural flowers. And many contain ingredients not listed on the label, including substances that may cause allergic reactions to some people. The...
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The Modern Life

  Almost every aspect of modern life is there, both for good and for ill — our sense of speed, drama, and aggression, the worlds of advertising and consumer goods, engineering and mass-manufacture, and the shared experience of moving together through an elaborately signaled landscape.” — J. G. Ballard (in 1971), novelist
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