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Author: Lai Cheng

Tobacco Industry Trying To Derail Tobacco GEG Legislation

Being a strong tobacco control advocate for many decades, the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) have consistently argued against tobacco use with evidence-based reasons. Hence, we support the Health Ministry (MoH)’s tobacco generational endgame (GEG) legislation as an important effort to denormalise the addictive habit. The reason people smoke and find it very difficult to quit is because...
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Fruit and vegetables come in their own compostable wrapping designed by nature. Corn and bananas for example, come with their own protective covering that is easy to remove and creates no plastic waste. Packaging merely simplifies the handling process of these products for the supermarkets and to facilitate fixing of use-by dates. An 18-month study by the UK food waste charity Wrap found that...
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MPs: Do Not Fall Prey To Tobacco Industry Antics To Subvert The Tobacco Control Bill 

  CAP strongly welcomes the Control of Tobacco Product and Smoking Bill 2022 which is before the current parliamentary sitting. This is a significant step in implementing Malaysia’s obligations under the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), the first treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) that was adopted in 2003. Malaysia was part of that...
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Govt Needs A Long-Term Plan For Chicken Shortage Than Importing Frozen Chicken

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) is shocked by the Minister of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (Kuskop) Tan Sri Noh Omar announcement that the ministry is currently trying to import frozen chicken to ensure sufficient chicken supply in the country. Such a move will destroy the local poultry farming industry if the imported chicken is indeed cheaper. Chicken farmers may find it...
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CAP: Care Delayed Is Care Denied

Access to medicine is a crucial matter which will decide who lives and who dies. Medicines form a very important component of healthcare services. Shortages of medicines will have a huge impact on healthcare outcomes. There was a report in the mainstream media captioned “Fatal Prescription” on 25 June 2022 where industry players said the shortage of medicine is not only unique to Malaysia...
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Give Tigers More Space

Conservationists and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are gravely concerned about the dwindling tiger population. As early as 2009, various action plans have been taken with the promising hope of doubling the number of tigers to 1000 by 2020. However, conservation efforts failed to stabilize or increase the tiger numbers and on the contrary plummeted to a critical level of about 150...
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CAP: The Country Needs A Permanent Solution For Mat Rempits

The Consumers’ Association of Penang is demanding the authorities to put an end to the Mat Rempit menace once and for all. Illegal street racing has been going on for decades without any solid solution to resolve the social problem. With the recent incident at the Lim Chong Eu expressway, the time has come for the government and respective authorities should come together to find a permanent...
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BAYER-MONSANTO’S SINISTER SEVENTEEN – 17 Terrible and Toxic Products from Bayer and Monsanto

20 May 2022 by Nick Meyer Bayer completed its purchase of Monsanto in 2018, in a move that the company’s own investors have rebelled against in recent months to the tune of a multi-billion dollar class action lawsuit against the company. Since then, the German pesticide, GMO and pharmaceutical company’s reputation had been considerably damaged due to being associated with Monsanto and its...
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CAP: Holistic Approach Needed To Tackle Stunted Growth In Children

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) welcomes the move made by the Health Minister, YB Khairy Jamaluddin that a Special Committee will be set up to Combat Multiple Nutrition Problems in Children, especially the problem of stunted growth. Childhood stunting due to chronic undernutrition is a worrisome piece of news in our country, which claims to enjoy rapid economic growth, development and...
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During the Japanese Occupation, when food was scarce, the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) became a staple food for many Malaysians. Unfortunately, since then many people have come to regard sweet potato as food for the poor, and as such think that it has little nutritional value. This is not true at all. Sweet potatoes are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. Do you know: The B vitamins found in...
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